Living Above the Ordinary Radar

Have you ever heard the phrase “Flying under the radar?” Initially this phrase was used to describe aircraft flying at such low altitudes that it was undetectable by radar systems. But it has often been used to describe people or events that go undetected, or unnoticed. Have you ever felt unnoticed? More importantly, have you ever wanted to be unnoticed?

Unfortunately, most people find normalcy in going unnoticed and flying under the radar in their lives. Ordinary people fly under the radar and go unnoticed. But you weren’t created or designed to live such a self-limiting life. You were created to be extraordinary and fly high above the radar. You were created to be an extraordinary standard.

Learn the steps to living an extraordinary life above the ordinary radar.

Living Above the Ordinary Radar image
Living Above the Ordinary Radar image

Experience More with Chris King

Hi. I'm Chris King. Pastor. Author. Coach. Speaker. Husband. Father. Son. Brother. Uncle and Friend. But seriously, regardless of the title I'm associated with, I am here for people looking for more. Have you ever had the feeling that there is more to life? Whether it's with relationships, your faith, career, or just being happy and fulfilled. If you're looking for more out of life, then you're in the right place. And I'm here to help. So, if you're ready to begin your journey to More, let's go!Unfortunately, most people find normalcy in going unnoticed and flying under the radar in their lives. Ordinary people fly under the radar and go unnoticed. But you weren’t created or designed to live such a self-limiting life. You were created to be extraordinary and fly high above the radar. You were created to be an extraordinary standard.

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